A delicious dessert for any occasion, Receitas de Bolos & Pudim are sure to impress your guests. This delicious Brazilian dessert is easily made and is perfect for a special occasion or party. To make it, just follow a few simple steps. First, melt the chocolate in a liquidifier or on a stove. Then, add gema, acucar, fermento, and farinha de trigo peneirada. Finally, pour the mass of bolo over the pudim. Bake at 160 degrees for about 40 minutes.
Next, prepare the bolo by preparing it and dipping it in oleo. Once you have done this, you can proceed with preparing the sobremesa. Then, you'll be ready to add the oleo. In addition to that, you'll also need to prepare the bolo by cleaning, prepping, and slicing it.
To make the caramelo, use a large buraco with a 25 cm diameter. Spread the caramelo evenly and leave to cool. Then, prepare the bolo by mixing the ingredients, except the fermento, in a blender. Once the massa is ready, place it into the form of the caramelada and reserve. Then, using a liquidifier, blend the massa and fermento for about two minutes.
The process of making bolo & pudim is easy. It only takes a few ingredients and is quick and economical. You can prepare it for your guests or enjoy it yourself. The most important part of making this Portuguese dessert is that it is inexpensive, easy to make, and absolutely delicious. The best part? You can make it ahead of time and serve it to your guests.